Kristen Thomas Photography » Northern Virginia Portrait & Wedding Photographer

Waiting & Sweet Anticipation…

Now 37 weeks along and Aleksa is almost 16 months.  Our precious little girl will be here soon!  I’m anticipating “any day now” since Aleksa arrived at 37 weeks.  But this little girl might have her own timeframe, so we’ll see!  Nursery isn’t finished yet but I am packed and ready to go!  This has been a very different pregnancy from Aleksa’s.  Much tougher than I expected. Aleksa’s was so easy, I felt great during most of the pregnancy and worked, photographing sessions all the way up to the end (it was walking during a session that threw me into labor!)  This pregnancy, I’ve had to take things much slower, and stop taking on sessions during the final part of this third trimester.  Along with the normal pregnancy woes of tiredness and heartburn,  sciatica and joint pain has really kicked me down.  And carrying a crawling toddler everywhere hasn’t been easy.  Needless to say, we are all anxious for this little girl to arrive!  We can’t wait to meet her!

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